A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.
Louis Nizer
Distinguished lawyer and writer, 1902-1994
The artisans of Boheme Design have been working for forty years, for the love of work well done, where each piece is made with passion and love, and each component with care, thus embodying our emotions.
The company has changed during this time but the spirit remains intact: respect for the customer, craftsmanship and the care of small details. Values that make us special, that remain in force, and are undoubtedly the essence that makes our difference.

Boheme Design continues engaged to its origins. More than forty years in business as a lighting and furniture manufacturer back us up.
Our technical expertise is our success key. Finding a feasible solution for any complex project is our daily challenge, and our work ethic. Our products are individually manufactured by craftsmen in the field. We manufacture in our own company, which allows us to take care of every detail of the production to obtain the highest quality products in handcrafted lighting, furniture and other decorative elements.